Cao Zihang - Blog


【阅】本周阅读摘选2025-02-03 → 2025-02-09

本周阅读摘选 2025-02-03 → 2025-02-09 目录 学术相关 LLM-Powered User Simulator for Recommender System Search fatigue, choice deferral, and closure War reparations, structural change, and intergenerational mobility JM结果汇报新要求:“statisti...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2025-01-27 → 2025-02-02

本周阅读摘选 2025-01-27 → 2025-02-02 目录 学术相关 Judgment and Decision Making An investigation of p -hacking in E-Commerce A/B testing EXPRESS: the sound of status: product volume as a status signal of dominance or prestige EXPRES...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2025-01-20 → 2025-01-26

本周阅读摘选 2025-01-20 → 2025-01-26 目录 学术相关 A graphical point process framework for understanding removal effects in multi-touch attribution 学术相关 A graphical point process framework for understanding removal effects in multi-touch attr...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2025-01-13 → 2025-01-19

本周阅读摘选 2025-01-13 → 2025-01-19 目录 学术相关 Economics in the Age of Algorithms 学术相关 Economics in the Age of Algorithms

【阅】本周阅读摘选2025-01-06 → 2025-01-12

本周阅读摘选 2025-01-06 → 2025-01-12 目录 学术相关 Limited time offer and consumer search Limitation of switching sensory information flow in flexible perceptual decision making 技术技巧 HTML丨plyr轻量级现代视频播放器 学术相关 Limite...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2024-12-30 → 2025-01-05

本周阅读摘选 2024-12-30 → 2025-01-05 目录 学术相关 Reverse estimation of urban mobility patterns during pandemics using agent-based modeling 学术相关 Reverse estimation of urban mobility patterns during pandemics using agent-based modeling 1 ...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2024-12-23 → 2024-12-29

本周阅读摘选 2024-12-23 → 2024-12-29 目录 学术相关 Planning bike lanes with data: ridership, congestion, and path selection BASES: large-scale web search user simulation with large language model based agents 学术相关 Planning bike lanes ...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2024-12-16 → 2024-12-22

本周阅读摘选 2024-12-16 → 2024-12-22 目录 学术相关 How human–AI feedback loops alter human perceptual, emotional and social judgements Consumer search and product line length: the role of the consumer-product fit distribution Behaviour-bas...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2024-12-09 → 2024-12-15

本周阅读摘选 2024-12-09 → 2024-12-15 目录 学术相关 Learning product characteristics and consumer preferences from search data Value construction through sequential sampling explains serial dependencies in decision making Timing legitimacy: ...

Advanced Vim

Practical Vim Notes VIM实用技巧 第二版 笔记 .命令 上一次修改可以指代很多东西,修改的范围不仅仅是字符,还可以是整行,甚至是整个文件。 >G命令会增加从当前行到文档末尾处的缩进层级。.命令会对当前行重新执行>G命令。 进入插入模式 (i)也会形成一次修改,Vim会记录直到返回普通模式<Esc>的所有按键命令。在这样的修改后,使用.命令会重新执行所有按键操作。 在插入模式中,使用了上下左右方向键,会产生新的撤销块,等价于<Esc>...