Cao Zihang - Blog


【阅】本周阅读摘选2024-10-28 → 2024-11-04

本周阅读摘选 2024-10-28 → 2024-11-04 目录 学术相关 Bundling and Line Extensions in Distribution Channels Higher Precision Is Not Always Better: Search Algorithm and Consumer Engagement 技术技巧 Python库丨logging模块的6个配置选项 学术...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2024-10-21 → 2024-10-27

本周阅读摘选 2024-10-14 → 2024-10-20 目录 学术相关 Player-vs.-player game design and pricing: a tournament design perspective 基于沙堆模型的国家动力学研究——以中国历史为例(前221年到1912年) 业界动态 全域用户建模在美团首页推荐的探索与实践 技术技巧 Python丨内置函数速查表...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2024-10-14 → 2024-10-20

本周阅读摘选 2024-10-14 → 2024-10-20 目录 学术相关 Designing Quality Certificates: Insights from eBay A Machine Learning Framework for Assessing Experts’ Decision Quality Wait for Free: A Consumption-Decelerating Promotion for Serialized Di...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2024-10-07 → 2024-10-13

本周阅读摘选 2024-10-07 → 2024-10-13 目录 学术相关 Evaluating multimedia advertising campaign effectiveness Fashionable consumer technology, IT fashion, and consumer behavior World Band丨A Curated List of Our Postings on Technical Topics – Yo...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2024-09-30 → 2024-10-06

本周阅读摘选 2024-09-30 → 2024-10-06 目录 学术相关 How music theory can inform competitive dynamics: anticipatory awareness and successful preemption Large language models as commonsense knowledge for large-scale task planning Improved decis...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2024-09-23 → 2024-09-29

本周阅读摘选 2024-09-23 → 2024-09-29 目录 学术相关 Agent-based evolutionary game dynamics uncover the dual role of resource heterogeneity in the evolution of cooperation Influencer authenticity: to grow or to monetize Customer engagement pre...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2024-09-16 → 2024-09-22

本周阅读摘选 2024-09-16 → 2024-09-22 目录 学术相关 Nonstationary a/B tests: optimal variance reduction, bias correction, and valid inference Towards data-centric RLHF: simple metrics for preference dataset comparison Behavioral market design...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2024-09-09 → 2024-09-15

本周阅读摘选 2024-09-09 → 2024-09-15 目录 学术相关 Behavioral market design for online gaming platforms Towards data-centric RLHF: simple metrics for preference dataset comparison 学术相关 Behavioral market design for online gaming platforms...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2024-09-02 → 2024-09-08

本周阅读摘选 2024-09-02 → 2024-09-08 目录 娱乐 Early predictor for the onset of critical transitions in networked dynamical systems 娱乐 Early predictor for the onset of critical transitions in networked dynamical systems1 Liu,...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2024-08-26 → 2024-09-01

本周阅读摘选 2024-08-26 → 2024-09-01 目录 学术相关 EXPRESS: Where A-B Testing Goes Wrong: How Divergent Delivery Affects What Online Experiments Cannot (and Can) Tell You about How Customers Respond to Advertising 学术相关 EXPRESS: Where A-B Testi...