【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-10-09 → 2023-10-15

Posted by Cao Zihang on October 16, 2023 Word Count:
2023-10-09 → 2023-10-15


A Bias Correction Approach for Interference in Ranking Experiments1

A multimodal analytics framework for product sales prediction with the reputation of anchors in live streaming e-commerce2



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labml.AI丨60 Implementations/tutorials of deep learning papers with side-by-side notes


  • Transformer
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  • Diffusion models
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  1. Goli, A., Lambrecht, A., & Yoganarasimhan, H. (2023). A Bias Correction Approach for Interference in Ranking Experiments. Marketing Science. https://doi.org/10.1287/mksc.2022.0046 

  2. Xu, W., Cao, Y., & Chen, R. (2023). A multimodal analytics framework for product sales prediction with the reputation of anchors in live streaming e-commerce. Decision Support Systems, 114104. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2023.114104 

  3. Liu, L., Jones, B. F., Uzzi, B., & Wang, D. (2023). Data, measurement and empirical methods in the science of science. Nature Human Behaviour, 7(7), Article 7. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-023-01562-4