【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-12-04 → 2023-12-10

Posted by Cao Zihang on December 11, 2023 Word Count:
2023-12-04 → 2023-12-10


Dynamic Bayesian Network–Based Product Recommendation Considering Consumers’ Multistage Shopping Journeys: A Marketing Funnel Perspective1



Structural anatomy and evolution of supply chain alliance networks: A multi‐method approach2

Simulation of urban non-motorized traffic: A agent-based modeling approach based on big data of bike sharing and social force model3

From Scroll to Misbelief: Modeling the Unobservable Susceptibility to Misinformation on Social Media4




  1. Wei, Q., Mu, Y., Guo, X., Jiang, W., & Chen, G. (2023). Dynamic Bayesian Network–Based Product Recommendation Considering Consumers’ Multistage Shopping Journeys: A Marketing Funnel Perspective. Information Systems Research, isre.2020.0277. https://doi.org/10.1287/isre.2020.0277 

  2. Park, H., Bellamy, M. A., & Basole, R. C. (2018). Structural anatomy and evolution of supply chain alliance networks: A multi‐method approach. Journal of Operations Management, 63(1), 79–96. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jom.2018.09.001 

  3. Huang, W., Guo, Y., Guo, C., Tang, F., Zhao, Y., Xia, Z., & Zhang, R. (2023). Simulation of urban non-motorized traffic: A agent-based modeling approach based on big data of bike sharing and social force model. Transactions in Urban Data, Science, and Technology, 2(4), 204–222. https://doi.org/10.1177/27541231231180989 

  4. Liu, Y., Ma, M. D., Qin, W., Zhou, A., Chen, J., Shi, W., Wang, W., & Yang, D. (2023). From Scroll to Misbelief: Modeling the Unobservable Susceptibility to Misinformation on Social Media (arXiv:2311.09630). arXiv. http://arxiv.org/abs/2311.09630