【阅】本周阅读摘选2024-02-19 → 2024-02-25

Posted by Cao Zihang on February 26, 2024 Word Count: 468
2024-02-19 → 2024-02-25


Idea engines: Unifying innovation & obsolescence from markets & genetic evolution to science1

Optimal Decision Making Under Strategic Behavior3

Human–Artificial Intelligence Collaboration in Prediction: A Field Experiment in the Retail Industry4

The Evolution of Discrimination in Online Markets: How the Rise in Anti-Asian Bias Affected Airbnb During the Pandemic5


Machine Learning as a Tool for Hypothesis Generation6

LLM Comparator: Visual Analytics for Side-by-Side Evaluation of Large Language Models7



Python丨PEP 328 import 多行、相对导入与绝对导入

R丨虚拟环境 Introduction to renv

Imagica 自然语言创建网页AI应用


  • Web开发模板
  • Chrome插件开发模板
  • 前端技术栈
  • 后端技术栈
  • 数据库技术栈
  • 样式表与UI
  • 登录鉴权
  • 支付
  • 邮件
  • 网站分析
  • 在线客服
  • 部署托管
  • 域名购买
  • 文档管理
  • Logo图标图片

视频录制丨Screen Studio




什么是世界模型?为什么Sora不是 world simulator?

Investigate-Consolidate-Exploit: A General Strategy for Inter-Task Agent Self-Evolution8

  1. Lee, E. D., Kempes, C. P., & West, G. B. (2024). Idea engines: Unifying innovation & obsolescence from markets & genetic evolution to science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(6), e2312468120. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2312468120 

  2. Schamp, C., Heitmann, M., Peers, Y., & Leeflang, P. S. H. (2024). Cause-Related Marketing as Sales Promotion. Journal of Marketing Research, 00222437231200807. https://doi.org/10.1177/00222437231200807 

  3. Tsirtsis, S., Tabibian, B., Khajehnejad, M., Singla, A., Schölkopf, B., & Gomez-Rodriguez, M. (2024). Optimal Decision Making Under Strategic Behavior. Management Science, mnsc.2021.02567. https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2021.02567 

  4. Revilla, E., Saenz, M. J., Seifert, M., & Ma, Y. (2023). Human–Artificial Intelligence Collaboration in Prediction: A Field Experiment in the Retail Industry. Journal of Management Information Systems, 40(4), 1071–1098. https://doi.org/10.1080/07421222.2023.2267317 

  5. Luca, M., Pronkina, E., & Rossi, M. (2024). The Evolution of Discrimination in Online Markets: How the Rise in Anti-Asian Bias Affected Airbnb During the Pandemic. Marketing Science. https://doi.org/10.1287/mksc.2023.0112 

  6. Ludwig, J., & Mullainathan, S. (2024). Machine Learning as a Tool for Hypothesis Generation. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, qjad055. https://doi.org/10.1093/qje/qjad055 

  7. Kahng, M., Tenney, I., Pushkarna, M., Liu, M. X., Wexler, J., Reif, E., Kallarackal, K., Chang, M., Terry, M., & Dixon, L. (2024). LLM Comparator: Visual Analytics for Side-by-Side Evaluation of Large Language Models (arXiv:2402.10524). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2402.10524 

  8. Qian, C., Liang, S., Qin, Y., Ye, Y., Cong, X., Lin, Y., Wu, Y., Liu, Z., & Sun, M. (2024). Investigate-Consolidate-Exploit: A General Strategy for Inter-Task Agent Self-Evolution (arXiv:2401.13996). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2401.13996