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Posted by Cao Zihang on June 17, 2024 Word Count:
2024-06-10 → 2024-06-16


A collective intelligence assembly approach to informing responsive net zero policy design: a greenhouse gas removal UK case study1

The Best Decisions Are Not the Best Advice: Making Adherence-Aware Recommendations2

Boundary Effects in the Diffusion of New Products on Cartesian Networks3

Decision uncertainty as a context for motor memory4

Dynamic product competitive analysis based on online reviews5

Human-robot interactions in investment decisions6

Generativity and profitability on B2B innovation platforms: a simulation-based theory development7

Engaging Users on Social Media Business Pages: The Roles of User Comments and Firm Responses8

A survey on diffusion models for time series and spatio-temporal data9



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  1. Hardisty, A., & Workman, M. (2024). A collective intelligence assembly approach to informing responsive net zero policy design: A greenhouse gas removal UK case study. Collective Intelligence, 3(2), 26339137241254099. https://doi.org/10.1177/26339137241254099 

  2. Grand-Clément, J., & Pauphilet, J. (2024). The Best Decisions Are Not the Best Advice: Making Adherence-Aware Recommendations. Management Science. https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2023.01851 

  3. Fibich, G., Levin, T., & Gillingham, K. T. (2024). Boundary Effects in the Diffusion of New Products on Cartesian Networks. Operations Research. https://doi.org/10.1287/opre.2022.0004 

  4. Ogasa, K., Yokoi, A., Okazawa, G., Nishigaki, M., Hirashima, M., & Hagura, N. (2024). Decision uncertainty as a context for motor memory. Nature Human Behaviour, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-024-01911-x 

  5. Zheng, L., Sun, L., He, Z., & He, S. (2024). Dynamic product competitive analysis based on online reviews. Decision Support Systems, 114268. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2024.114268 

  6. Bianchi, M., & Brière, M. (2024). Human-robot interactions in investment decisions. Management Science. https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2022.03886 

  7. Haki, K., Tanriverdi, H., Safaei, D., Schmid, M., Aier, S., & Winter, R. (2024). Generativity and profitability on B2B innovation platforms: A simulation-based theory development. Mis Quarterly, 48(2), 583–612. https://doi.org/10.25300/MISQ/2023/17710 

  8. Cheng, X., Bala, H., & Yang, M. (2024). Engaging Users on Social Media Business Pages: The Roles of User Comments and Firm Responses. MIS Quarterly, 48(2), 731–748. https://doi.org/10.25300/MISQ/2023/17621 

  9. Yang, Y., Jin, M., Wen, H., Zhang, C., Liang, Y., Ma, L., Wang, Y., Liu, C., Yang, B., Xu, Z., Bian, J., Pan, S., & Wen, Q. (2024). A survey on diffusion models for time series and spatio-temporal data (No. arXiv:2404.18886). arXiv. http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.18886