Cao Zihang - Blog


【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-12-11 → 2023-12-17

本周阅读摘选 2023-12-11 → 2023-12-17 目录 学术相关 Sampling Bias in Entrepreneurial Experiments Mental search of concepts is supported by egocentric vector representations and restructured grid maps RUC丨多模态推荐系统的最新进展 ChimpACT:理解黑猩猩行为的纵向...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-12-04 → 2023-12-10

本周阅读摘选 2023-12-04 → 2023-12-10 目录 学术相关 Dynamic Bayesian Network–Based Product Recommendation Considering Consumers’ Multistage Shopping Journeys: A Marketing Funnel Perspective 智源社区丨类人智能体概念、能力与衍生 20篇会议论文速览大模型推荐最新进展 Structur...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-11-27 → 2023-12-03

本周阅读摘选 2023-11-27 → 2023-12-03 目录 学术相关 Decision aggregation with reliability propagation Unveiling the Mind of the Machine Complex business ecosystem intelligence using AI-powered visual analytics The impact of low-immersio...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-11-20 → 2023-11-26

本周阅读摘选 2023-11-20 → 2023-11-26 目录 学术相关 Scarcity and intertemporal choice Imitation dynamics on networks with incomplete information Laplacian dynamics of convergent and divergent collective behaviors KuaiSim: A Comprehensiv...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-11-13 → 2023-11-19

本周阅读摘选 2023-11-13 → 2023-11-19 目录 学术相关 Building Socially Intelligent AI Systems: Evidence from the Trust Game Using Artificial Agents with Deep Learning Reciprocal Human-Machine Learning: A Theory and an Instantiation for the Case of M...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-11-06 → 2023-11-12

本周阅读摘选 2023-11-06 → 2023-11-12 目录 学术相关 The Stickiness of Category Labels: Audience Perception and Evaluation of Producer Repositioning in Creative Markets Happy times: Measuring happiness using response times The nature and nurtu...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-10-30 → 2023-11-05

本周阅读摘选 2023-10-30 → 2023-11-05 目录 学术相关 Group Network Hawkes Process Browsing the Aisles or Browsing the App? How Online Grocery Shopping is Changing What We Buy Appearance for Females, Functionality for Males? The False Lay Belie...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-10-23 → 2023-10-29

本周阅读摘选 2023-10-23 → 2023-10-29 目录 学术相关 Predictions and rewards affect decision-making but not subjective experience The Effectiveness of Membership-Based Free Shipping: An Empirical Investigation of Consumers’ Purchase Behaviors and Re...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-10-16 → 2023-10-22

本周阅读摘选 2023-10-16 → 2023-10-22 目录 学术相关 如何跳出推荐算法的“信息茧房”?Nature子刊阐释人与AI自适应动力学推动信息茧房涌现 学术相关 如何跳出推荐算法的“信息茧房”?Nature子刊阐释人与AI自适应动力学推动信息茧房涌现1 Piao, J., Liu, J., Zhang, F., Su, J., & Li, Y. (2023). Human–AI adaptive dy...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-10-09 → 2023-10-15

本周阅读摘选 2023-10-09 → 2023-10-15 目录 学术相关 A Bias Correction Approach for Interference in Ranking Experiments A multimodal analytics framework for product sales prediction with the reputation of anchors in live streaming e-commerce 科...