Cao Zihang - Blog


【阅】本周阅读摘选2024-01-01 → 2024-01-07

本周阅读摘选 2024-01-01 → 2024-01-07 目录 学术相关 Helping Small Businesses Become More Data-Driven: A Field Experiment on eBay Latent Stratification for Incrementality Experiments 一文总结特征增强&个性化在CTR预估中的经典方法和效果对比 业界动态 增...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-12-25 → 2023-12-31

本周阅读摘选 2023-12-25 → 2023-12-31 目录 学术相关 Calibrating Sales Forecasts in a Pandemic Using Competitive Online Nonparametric Regression Online searches to evaluate misinformation can increase its perceived veracity Delegation of purch...


后端采用REST框架 前后端跨域通信有两种方案: 前端配置代理:将/api地址的前端请求转发到设置端口的后端服务器 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 // vue.config.js module.exports = { devServer: { proxy: { '/api': { target: `


Django-Rest-Framework框架 安装 1 2 3 pip install djangorestframework pip install markdown # Markdown support for the browsable API. pip install django-filter # Filtering support 其他可选库: Pygments (2.4.0+) - Add syntax highlighting to Markdown prosi...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-12-18 → 2023-12-24

本周阅读摘选 2023-12-18 → 2023-12-24 目录 学术相关 Tales of Two Channels: Digital Advertising Performance Between AI Recommendation and User Subscription Channels Mega or Micro? Influencer Selection Using Follower Elasticity The evolution of...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-12-11 → 2023-12-17

本周阅读摘选 2023-12-11 → 2023-12-17 目录 学术相关 Sampling Bias in Entrepreneurial Experiments Mental search of concepts is supported by egocentric vector representations and restructured grid maps RUC丨多模态推荐系统的最新进展 ChimpACT:理解黑猩猩行为的纵向...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-12-04 → 2023-12-10

本周阅读摘选 2023-12-04 → 2023-12-10 目录 学术相关 Dynamic Bayesian Network–Based Product Recommendation Considering Consumers’ Multistage Shopping Journeys: A Marketing Funnel Perspective 智源社区丨类人智能体概念、能力与衍生 20篇会议论文速览大模型推荐最新进展 Structur...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-11-27 → 2023-12-03

本周阅读摘选 2023-11-27 → 2023-12-03 目录 学术相关 Decision aggregation with reliability propagation Unveiling the Mind of the Machine Complex business ecosystem intelligence using AI-powered visual analytics The impact of low-immersio...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-11-20 → 2023-11-26

本周阅读摘选 2023-11-20 → 2023-11-26 目录 学术相关 Scarcity and intertemporal choice Imitation dynamics on networks with incomplete information Laplacian dynamics of convergent and divergent collective behaviors KuaiSim: A Comprehensiv...

【阅】本周阅读摘选2023-11-13 → 2023-11-19

本周阅读摘选 2023-11-13 → 2023-11-19 目录 学术相关 Building Socially Intelligent AI Systems: Evidence from the Trust Game Using Artificial Agents with Deep Learning Reciprocal Human-Machine Learning: A Theory and an Instantiation for the Case of M...